- TekRam SCSI 驅動程式 DC390U/F/U2B/U2W
- 軟體版本 : 3.23A
- 軟體分類 : 4硬體驅動程式 (SCSI卡)
- 語言介面 : 英文
- 作業系統 : Windows(10以下)
- 軟體性質 : 免費軟體
- 使用限制 : 請見說明
- 檔案大小 : 842 KB
- 官方網站 : TekRam
- 點閱次數 : 29,354下載次數 : 5,227
- 更新時間 : 2001/5/26 上午 04:54:49
TekRam SCSI 卡驅動程式 For DC390U/F/U2B/U2W
變更: 1.: It contains ASPI drivers and utilities for DC-390U2B/U2W 1.1. ASPIUWF.SYS : ASPI driver for DC-390U2B/U2W 1.2. TRMDISK.SYS : ASPI driver for HDD and removable media devices 1.3. TRMCD.SYS : CD-ROM driver (add "/s2" switch, if your CD-ROM is a SCSI-2 device) 1.4. INSTALL.EXE : This is a DOS driver installtion utility that helps you install the device drivers for HDD, removable media, CD-ROM, and tape by auto-updating the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. 1.5. UTIL.EXE : Setup utility for you to change the options for adapter/SCSI_devices without re-booting the system and pressing key 1.6. TFDISK.EXE : DOS compatible disk partition utility 2. : It contains drivers for Netware v3.11/v3.12/SFT-III/4.x/5.x 2.1. DC390UWF.DDI: DDI driver. 2.2. DC390UWF.HAM: HAM driver. 3. : Contains drivers for Windows NT v3.51/4.x in Windows 2000 in Windows ASPI in 3.1. OEMSETUP.INF : Setup Information File 3.2. TRM390W.SYS : SCSI Driver 3.3. TXTSETUP.OEM : Setup Text File (in root directory) 3.4. DCSCSI : Text Setup Tag File (in root directory) 4. : Contains 4 files under the \OS2DRV directory of this driver diskette and is for OS/2 versions 2.0/2.1/2.11/WARP 3.0 & 4.0 4.1. TMSCSIM.EXE: Execution file for DDINSTAL 4.2. TMSCSIM.ADD: SCSI Device Driver 4.3. TMSCSIM.DDP: SCSI Device Driver Profile 5. : Contains drivers for Windows 95 & 98 & 98SE There are two driver files under the \WIN95_98 directory of the driver diskette: 5.1. TRM390W.MPD 5.2. TRM390W.INF 6. : It contains Flash ROM utility for BIOS upgrade. Make sure that your BIOS ROM is a Flash ROM by checking the print "Flash ROM" on the BIOS chip. 6.1. TRMFLASH.EXE : Flash SCSI BIOS Tool 6.2. INT13U2.BIN : for DC-390U2B & DC-390U2W 6.3. INT13F.BIN : for DC-390U/F
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